Today we share with you an awesome freebie – Funky Tunes UI kit from PixelKit team. PixelKit is a UI library that has what web designers have been wanting for a very long time.
The kit is designed with professionals in mind, and that means that it has the types of features that can be relied upon over and over again to give your clients what they need in terms of quality and usability.

If you’re any kind of designer, you’ve most certainly gone around the Internet looking for free UI kits that you can utilize on a client’s website to give them the type of quality work that you want associated with your name. Unfortunately, if you’ve been doing this, you probably either ended up having to come up with your own UI elements or have been very disappointed with what you found, due to the lack of quality in a lot of the free UI elements out there.
Funky Tunes freebie is a music UI kit music UI kit that includes more than 30 elements that would inspire you creating your app or website design. Here you can find a PSD file with lots of elements like pricing tab, menu, sliders, chart, etc. They are designed for music niche, so it can be useful if you create e design for an artist.
Check out this special treat– the Free PixelKit Bootstrap UI Kits. You can download these modern HTML Bootstrap templates and use it to make your design even more functional and cool looking.
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