What is Content Delivery Network?
A Content Delivery Network [CDN] is a interconnection of servers across the Globe which have a duplicate of your site and its minor records, so when a visitor loads your site, the CDN conveys your site’s documents from the closest server to them. The further the physical separation between the server and the client the slower the site comes to be. So by serving from a closer area, the speed of the site increments/increases.
According to Wikipedia A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers across the Internet.
MaxCDN speeds up your Site
MaxCDN is a Content Delivery Network that is trusted by thousands of businesses all over the World. MaxCDN speeds up your site in several ways. MaxCDN powers up your site by the servers that just have one assignment, improve and augment your site’s speed. These are not shared servers to other courses of processes running on them. These are custom built enterprise servers that have been built for only one thing and that is to make your website load as fast as possible.
Get Access to Over 90 Countries with MaxCDN Global Network
MaxCDN gives you access to over five hundred peering partners worldwide and direct touch over 90 countries. this implies that you’ll get access to any or all of those countries in one network hop! You can get the complete list of all of current edge PoP locations of MaxCDN on their website.
How you can be benefited by CDN?
You can be benefited by number of ways using a CDN with your website.
- If you have a CDN like MaxCDN then you and your visitor can have access to your website from over 90 countries.
- Your Website will rank better in search engines means better SEO.
- You can earn more with your website as you gets more traffic from around 90 countries.
If this Sounds Good then you should definitely try out MaxCDN.
If you really care about your website you must have a CDN