Many developers use jQuery to build web applications – however as the project grows – the application turns into a nested piles of jQuery selectors and callbacks. This makes the development process more complex, and the code becomes more cluttered and hard to understand. If you have already faced
10 Key Elements of a High Quality Website – New Infographic
You might have learnt about creating a website, but this infographic below will definitely help you with building and creating a "high quality website". This infographic includes 10 important key elements of a high quality website. I am damn sure this will help you next time you create a website.
Improve your Web Development Skills in 10 stylish ways
With the growing age of technology there are uncountable techniques that you can use for working with your web designing skills. Web Designing is an art that everybody cannot do. It is rightly said that Practice makes a man perfect. Practicing your work and your designs will always make you more
43 Useful and Time Saving Web Development Kits and Frameworks
Developing Web applications and/or websites is sort of time consuming and tedious job for every developer. In our fast and busy life we really need something that will save our time, developing web applications. You might not know that there are some useful and time saving web development kits and