Sometimes making just a little modification or tweaks in your page’s design, titles, and so on can significantly boosts its conversion. But, discovering what changes works best is something that not all of us can determine. This is where A/B Split Testing comes to the rescue. A/B Split testing isn't
What Not To Do: Here Are a Few Things You Should Avoid When Designing Your Digital Signage Templates
Most people that use digital signage are not designers. Therefore, you could be under the impression that all is well when your digital signage campaign could be failing. In any kind of design, there are two elements to consider - the message and the design. You should therefore have these in
15+ WordPress Books Recommended by WordPress itself
We are sharing 15+ WordPress books that are recommended by WordPress itself. WordPress is an open source, content management system made specifically for blogging. That means it is a program that you install, free of charge, on your server to build a website – usually a blog. WordPress is written in
Adobe releases version v1.0 of Brackets, an open source text editor for Web designers
Adobe has just released version 1.0 of Brackets, its free open source text editor that is actually built for Web designers. Now Web designers can use version 1.0 of Brackets for coding HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For those who don't know what exactly Brackets is, let me tell you in a simple language,
10+ of the Scariest & Horrifying Websites – Halloween Special
Many of us think that nothing can scare us. But there are some most scariest & horrifying things that still horrify us. I think that everyone has a fear of some kind or something in their life. There are actually lots of websites and blogs in the massive ocean of Internet that do scare peoples
Demystifying HTML5: Understanding What It Is and What It Does and What That Has To Do With You
Alright, let us get all the techie jargon out of the way and use English for a bit here. HTML5 is a term that has been thrown around over the past few years and for all you non-techie types, it was just one more acronym that you could care less about. However, if you intend to have a website, you
How to Set Up RSS Feed For WordPress using Google’s Feedburner
The first thing and the most important thing you should do after creating your WordPress blog or a Blogger blog, is setting up RSS Feed. RSS is an abbreviation for "Rich Site Summary" but often called as "Really Simple Syndication". In this article we are going to learn how you can set up RSS Feed
Best Free High Resolution Photoshop Brush Packs Resources
Everyone tries to save their time and so a productive graphics designer. A graphics designer is always in a search of latest and best free high resolution Photoshop Brushes to save their time and become more productive in day to day work. So as a graphics designer I am also eager to search for and