As a website designer you will want to rank high in web crawlers, keeping in mind the end goal to achieve a bigger gathering of people. Upgrading your site for SEO will help set up your brand awareness, increase higher rankings and accomplish more prominent success. Understanding the key aptitudes to guarantee you are meeting all the web index necessities and not accepting any penalties along the way, will guarantee your rankings stay solid contrasted with your rivals. In this article I will cover fourteen [14] Essential and Basic SEO Tips to help you begin. I’ve already written a bunch of articles on SEO you might be interested in.
Tips 1: Design Website Based on Your Main Keyword

It can be about other stuff, as well, yet pick one essential theme that is most key to your message. This stride is essential, so you may need to do a little research on keyword before picking a theme.
Tips 2: Internal Page Connection on Your Website
A great deal of content management frameworks consequently do this, however in the event that yours wouldn’t, you will like to be deliberate about connecting to your most vital pages straightforwardly from your landing page and cross-connecting them with one another.
Tips 3: Plan a Sitemap for the Site Both HTML and XML sitemaps

The HTML sitemap is useful for site guests to discover distinctive pages of your site and the XML sitemap is utilized for internet searchers to discover every one of your pages effectively and list them in their database.
Following are some tools that will help you create a sitemap for your website.
Tips 4: Place Keywords Where They Matter Most
Incorporate your main keyword in the web page title, area name, portrayal, slogan, blog classifications, page titles, and page content. In case you are on WordPress, you can change a ton of this in the General Settings or through a plugin like All in One SEO Pack.
Tips 5: Utilize a Permalink Structure that Incorporates Keywords
A few destinations have “revolting” permalink structures that use id numbers to distinguish pages. Try not to do this. It’s terrible for SEO and simply doesn’t look great. Utilize a URL structure that incorporates content, and verify you incorporate keywords in your URLs.
Tips 6: Remove Features That Slows Down Site

Page loading time is very important, so dispose of any superfluous items that impede your site. These may including music players, substantial pictures, streak design, and superfluous plugins.
Tips 7: Add RSS Feed
Adding RSS Feed to your website helps to empower programmed information syndication. I’ve already written an article on how you can setup RSS Feeds using Google’s Feedburner
Tips 8: Use Relevant Images in Images
Incorporate words that mirror your site point in the picture title, portrayal, and alt traits. Re-title the document name on the off chance that it doesn’t mirror your main keywords.
List of Sites that Provides Free Images:
- https://blog.bufferapp.com/free-image-sources-list
- https://startbloggingonline.com/find-free-blogging-images/
Tips 9: Connection to Relevant Websites with Useful Content

You can do this by including a blogroll, connection rundown, or guest’s page on your site. Obviously, do it sparingly, as each outbound connection is a “vote” for another site. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you do it well and individuals click your connections, this tells web indexes you are a trusted authority on your specific point.
Tips 10: Choose Right Content Management System
A percentage of the CMS, for example, Drupal, WordPress, Joomla and others give expansions to SEO arranges that assistance with Meta labels, sitemaps as well as RSS feeds.
Tips 11: Add Meta Tags
You have to include Meta tags in your site pages; these are title label which shows top of your site page and depict the flavor and administrations of your site. Meta description is a standout amongst the most vital component of the on location SEO part it demonstrate after the title tag in the indexed lists, meta keyword, and other meta labels that help search engines to find your site easily.
Tips 12: Update Your Site Regularly
Destinations with element content frequently rank higher than those with static substance. That is the reason web journals and catalogs do as such well on web crawlers. They are always being overhauled with new substance.
Tips 13: Do not Change Domain Name
The age of your URL is a variable in your site’s pursuit positioning. In case you are propelling another blog at regular intervals, you will never see your webpage get the quality it merits.
Tips 14: Get Linked with Other Websites
Have different sites connection to you. This is outrageously essential, in terms of SEO. The bummer is that it is not something you can fundamentally control. Inbound connections are crucial to SEO.
Bottom Line: It will be much easier to get higher ranking in the search engine if you maintain the above SEO tips as a web designer.
Contribution by Navid Tayebi and Akshay Joshi:
Navid Tayebi has considerable experience in digital marketing and brand development. He is the founder of Creative Over, a digital marketing agency in Orange County, CA that primarily focuses on providing digital marketing solutions to small- and medium-sized businesses. He is a versatile, organized and self-reliant person. His areas of expertise are refinement and development of marketing goals, promotional activities, pricing strategies and branding. You can find Navid on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook.
Thanks Akshay for sharing this informative combined blog about webdesign & SEO. There is always one task in SEO to drive traffic and increase visitors. So design is the fundamental step to interact visitors.
You are welcome Maria.
User experience and design is an important factor that helps in SEO now a days.
Keep reading and sharing your thoughts.